Wednesday, March 13, 2013

New Recpie. Pictures. Bonhoeffer.

Pasta with chicken, lemon and white wine.

I made this yesterday.  It was very good.
If you click on the picture.  Then click on the picture one more time on my Pinterest it will take you to the recipe.


Generally, cooking chicken is a big fail for me.  It turns out tough.
I tried this method that is included with the above recipe.

Oven temp 500º
30 minutes.

sprinkle olive oil on the bottom of the pan.
sprinkle olive oil and salt and pepper and herbs on the chicken
place skin side up.

This made my kitchen ridiculously smokey...but other than that the chicken was cooked well and tasted good.


With more daylight comes more opportunities to take pictures.


The snow fell slowly, gently, gracefully.




For the curious:
85mm, 400 ISO, 1.8, 1/400 shut.sp.
The pictures with the greenish tint were edited with MCP Fusion/charming.


About the Bonhoeffer book.
I spotted question in the back and will use those as my guide for our book club.
On Monday March 18th I will post the question for Chapter 1.  I expect you will read the forward and prologue...and you may comment on anything you would like but the question I will pick will be mostly about Chapter One.
Week two we will cover Chapters 2 and 3.

This will be the most informal book club evah.
But I sure hope it turns out to be interesting and fun.

Encourage one another,


  1. Yah for book club! I will pull out my copy and re-read.

    And I am glad you are enjoying the light. Your pics are beautiful. Katie has reached that "rapid change" age...she's really growing up. Bren, too. It's a bittersweet time in life.

    Happy Wednesday. I will pray for my QLCS list as I drive, drive, drive!

    Mucho love,

  2. I am going to try to come to your book club, but I just have to finish reading my book club book first. I haven't been able to find time this week for any fun reading. Darn it. : ). I LOVE the snow pictures. I am sending my mom your chicken cooking method because she was just telling me the other day that her chicken is always dry.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. P.S. Hooray for conquering difficult cooking things. Your chicken looks amazing. And you had PASTA...did you have to go back to the store?

    I made Thomas Keller's French onion soup on Saturday night and was so pleased with the result. YAHOO!


    1. The recipe used shells...I had cremettes in the cupboard.

      I love French Onion Soup. Have never made it.
      Suzy made it in high school....1974ish.
      She was so cool.

      BTW I was going to try it but the cheese suggested for on top cost an arm and a I didn't do it.
      I still have the onions sitting on my counter.

    2. I know Thomas Keller would understand that I used cheap Swiss cheese slices. He comes from a modest upbringing (-: It's all in the beef broth, not the cheese. The cheese just gets itself broiled beyond recognition anyway. This soup takes HOURS, but not hard work hours. Hours for the beef broth to create its magic, hours for the onions to become what Keller aptly named "Melted Onions." I will post the recipe soon.

      I am going to teach Claire's speech partner this recipe. Once the word is out, he will be the most sought after 16 year old boy in El Dorado County!


    3. French onion soup is awesome in a slow cooker or crock pot for those of us from the 1970s. I have a recipe that I love.


    4. Was it Gruyere cheese for the soup? It's relatively reasonable here :-) Chedddar cheese is an arm and a leg - and not really that great. The good cheddar cheese is 2 arms and a leg :-)

    5. Let us know when you post your French onion soup recipe, Di!

      Tammy ~@~

  5. I love French Onion Soup. Donna, when I was in high school we went to a restaurant in downtown Glen Elyn for FOS. Soooo good. Over the years I stopped ordering it, because it was always a let down. Cooks Illustrated has a fab recipe too.

    I'm glad you are going to do Bonhoeffer Book Club. Yay!

    I'm so behind, I just now thinking about writing my Christmas letter. Oy.

    1. My christmas cards are on the kitchen table. Stamps in the car!!!
      Today. My christmas cards are going out today!!!

    2. Anonymous11:16 AM

      I'm so glad it's not just me! My Christmas cards didn't get done in time, so I was going to do New Year's cards (worked for me last year!), and then Valentine's Day cards...and now maybe Easter cards?? Or do I just wait and do them very early for Christmas this year? Oy is right. :)

      Am going to order the Bornhoeffer book for my Nook today. With this group, we are bound to have good discussions!

      Mary Z
      P.S. Beautiful shots of your beautiful girl.

    3. My Christmas letter never went out because at the last minute our whole family did not end up getting together for the holidays for our yearly family picture because my daughter and family came down with the nasty flu. Soooo, my hope was to still do at least the letter after Christmas sometime. Guess I'm still on time - if I could only get started! - since it still is considered after Christmas sometime, right ;-)

      Tammy ~@~

    4. Anonymous9:18 AM

      Tammy, it's both after Christmas 2012 and before Christmas 2013, so you can't go wrong. :)

      Mary Z

  6. I'm hoping I can snag the book at our library.

    And I'm so glad it's not just me when the smoke alarm goes off when cooking meat quickly at high temps. Steaks are delicious that way in an iron skillet (via alton brown) but heaven knows my fan can't keep up with the smoke!

    Thanks for sharing your settings for the photos. It helps!

  7. Gonna try and read Bonhoeffer with y'all ~

  8. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Thanks for the recipe. Sounds delish.
    The falling snowflakes in the pictures of Katie are so cool. Someday she will look back at all of these pictures that you've taken and thank you a million times over. So much beauty.

    You're my inspiration!

    Sarah P. from Iowa

    1. Anonymous11:09 AM

      And speaking of recipes...the next time you go to the Cheesecake Factory please try the Santorini Farro Salad. Seriously good. At least to me!!

  9. Anonymous10:55 AM

    what is the bonhoeffer book again?

  10. Shoot, Donna. Now I'm hungry for dinner and it's only 8:58 a.m.!


  11. We have the same lazy fat snowflakes today -- only they are not sticking. We had lovely spring-like weather over the weekend, so this is a bit of a let-down.

    I will try to read along -- but I'd like to get a real copy of it, as opposed to my Kindle. I find for long books I don't stay on track with the Kindle.

    Tomorrow I fly to Seattle!! Actually I fly to San Francisco in one swoop - so maybe I *should* download it. 12 hrs is a long time! Then a quick hop to Washington. I will be with old friends (not old, their age ;-P but I've known them since I was 14 old, old) over the weekend and a few days after ... but I will try to join in on Monday.

    The book sounds very meaningful and I want to try.

    the recipe looks Dee-LISH -- glad it's not too long til my dinner time!

    Finally ... Katie looks so lovely. Really pretty photos, Donna.

  12. Okay IM in on your book club DONNA B. Im off to get the book!

    YOur daughter is stunning.

    Im shocked about your chicken....pork comes out that way for me. I think maybe if you used our Harrison's locally bred and hormone free chickens you'd find you are a fine cook, its the chickens fault.

    Head over to my blog and chuckle today!~

    1. I said to Patrick, I wish I had a good chicken instead of the one in that plastic package.

      I want a Harrisons chicken!!!


  14. I'm totally I'm for a reread. I'm so excited to debrief this gem with all of you. Changed my world - my life - really. Gave me a new paradigm, a new perspective. Seriously. This is going to be awesome.

    1. Ringing endorsement, Steph. You have sparked an even greater interest in me :-)

  15. Thank You for the photo stats, such lovely Bokeh, along with a lovely young lady of course. and I shall try that chicken recipe.

  16. Anonymous5:07 PM

    I've been wishing that I was part of a book club so that we could discuss Bonhoeffer . . and voila! This will be a wonderful discussion goup :)

    Beautiful photos!

    Krista W in Missouri

  17. I've requested the book from the library.....I hope it arrives before the QL book club completes their discussion of it!

    Tammy ~@~

  18. So excited about the book. The other night I also watched Eric Metaxas who gave the keynote speech at the Nat'l Prayer breakfast last year. You might like to see it. It's not short, but it's worth watching if you haven't. :) (I hadn't seen it myself, but my husband showed it to me after I brought up the Bonhoeffer book.)
    Katie is so lovely!!

  19. Those photos of Katie are so beautiful. She is so lovely! And your photos of her always capture her whimsy. Just precious. When you gave the camera stats... I thought you typed shut.up. !!
    I saw that chicken dish pic on Pinterest (maybe through you!) and thought it looked good. Your picture of your baked chicken makes me want to eat that crispy skin. I love chicken skin! ;-) I had a different chicken-ala-Pinterest dinner last night. It was really good, too. (Photo on FB)
    I'm going to try to get the Bonhoeffer book today at our local (smaller than normal) BAM store. I'd love to read it and join the book club (the most informal one evah!).

    1. My local BAM didn't have it. I ordered it on Amazon and it will be delivered on Saturday. :-)

    2. The first chapter is easy reading.

  20. OK, first of all, photos of Katie... you always just slay me with them! rip my heart out and stomp on it!
    Next, I want to peel the skin off that chicken and nibble on it.... all day long. My belly is growling for it!
    I'm going to try that method of cooking the chicken! Oh, and the pasta recipe sounds delish!!! xo

  21. I realized as I was admiring the photos of Katie and saying to myself, "Wow, she sure is growing up" just how incredibly cool it is that your readers have all "watched Katie grow up". It's one thing to get a glimpse into someone's life, but you have a talent for pulling us in for the beautiful every day reality of your life. Thank you for sharing your family, your struggles, your interests, and your life with us! Your Katie sure is growing up. And Emma... wow. What a wonderful woman. You have a blessed family.


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