Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Old dog. New Tricks.

You are not going to believe this.

I drank the same drink at Starbucks for seven years.  Lots of them.
Never interested in anything else.

But then one day, I felt like trying something different.

I tried a Pink Drink.
It is strawberry acai juice with coconut milk and lots of ice.

(Usually there are freeze dried berries in it.  I didn't want those.)

And just like that I changed my drink.
It's deliciously refreshing!

It has no cholesterol,  which I am watching, fewer calories than the chai and less sugar than the chai.

I have found that my knees feel better without the milk.
Or is the the Omega 3, Tumeric/ginger, and Bosweilla I've been taking?

What ever it is, my knees feel 100% better than they did six weeks ago.
(Even if I was not having wonderful physical results from changing my drink, I would stick with it as it's yummy!)


And here is another new trick I learned this week.

I have added sprinkles to my Rice Krispie treats.
I am not usually a sprinkle girl, but I think this trick makes plain old Rice Krisipe treats look so much better!!!

My high school friend, Diana Williams Pace has a lovely daughter named Courtney who is a brilliant cake baker.  Courtney showed how to make these on Instagram.  And while her cakes look delicious and gorgeous, these rice krispies are more my jam.

Along with the cereal, marshmallows, and butter, you add two Tablespoons of packaged white cake and a few Tablespoons of jimmie sprinkles.
And just like that...cuteness.

Here is Courtney's link;

Courtney has been on television a number of times and is featured in Oprah magazine in August.
She teaches classes in Utah and will send you a box with all the ingredients and instructions to bake and decorate her cakes.

I'm sure she would laugh that the item I chose to make from her Instagram feed...but you know me...
the easy chef.

Who knows what I'll learn next?
Or what wild and crazy habit I'll switch up?

Have you tried something new lately?

Encourage one another,
Donna Elsie


  1. 1. I want a rice crispy treat - real bad!
    2. I'm hoping this is not a limited time drink!! It looks deeLISH! And it's pretty!
    3. Most importantly, I hope your knees get better and better.

    1. Thank you Susan! When will you be back in the states?

    2. Hi! I will be traveling to Alaska tomorrow morning. My dad has been feeling poorly, it's a good time to go. I hope to be in the Midwest next Spring :)


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