Yesterday afternoon we ran our daily errands. Not a whole lot to do....cause it's summer! (And let me tell you they have a joke about summer here in Wisconsin.
Well, it's not really a joke it's an exaggeration. But not too far from the truth.
Summer lasts from July 1st to Aug. 15th.
Six weeks...that's usually it.
Last summer we did not have one day that hit 90 degrees. We have already hit that nice warm mark this summer. And on that day the Weather-man on the radio said, "The last time we had 90 degrees was in Aug of 2003."
So that's what all the excitement is about; summer and warm weather and swimming ponds and light evenings....they are precious to us here in the North!
The mosquito's have not hatched here yet. Which is very good.
And the humidity must still be in Missouri or Georgia...cause it hasn't reached this far North yet.
But it will come this summer, I'm sure.
Then we will melt like frosty the snowman.
We will then glory in the Fall breezes that float in on those late August evenings.
But until then....we're going to the pool!
Oh yes, the library...I was going to tell you about the library. Oops.
So we went to the Movie Gallery and returned Hitch; which was cute.
I think my favorite part of the movie was the very end when the main characters dance the Soul Train line dance at a wedding. Fun-nee!
I just love watching anyone dance. Even comedians. They crack me up. I am sure this is a hold-over to my childhood when I thought Jerry Lewis was hysterical. Have you seen him dance! Wacky!
Then we went to the library. Emma finished Gone with the Wind early in the day and wanted to watch the movie. They had it on the shelf at our library. I picked up two cookbooks, a book by Peter Kreeft, the movie Station Agent (which I have been waiting for, for five months) and the most darling little 'magazine' published by the International Wildlife Federation called Animal Baby.
Very sweet...perfect for Katie.
She on the other hand has a unique way of choosing books. She is a very visual child. I choose a book and hold it up with enthusiasm and she shakes her head 'no'.
She chooses a book that looks just right to her...and I think 'what a weird book'.
So we came home with a book about boats. ( Something about those pictures called her name ;o)
I, being the wise mother, checked out Animal Baby. Ya know, we mom's know some things too!
After that we ran to Mad Cat to buy their cat litter and stopped by the Dairy Queen which is in the same strip mall. Emma and I shared a Mocha Moolatte and Katie had a blue slushie.
We know how to run errands! Don't we?
What a life!
Encourage one another,
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