I am having as much fun naming my buttonhole bags as I have knitting them.
Above you see The Honeypot buttonhole and The Sunflower buttonhole.
I knit the one with the brown on top and the brown on the bottom first. It was going to be The Sunflower when I chose the yarn.
Emma said it looked like a bear to her.
I thought.... Charlie Brown.
So I knit another buttonhole bag with more yellow.
And named it The Honeypot.
The above picture is not the best because my camera's battery is pooping out.
I will have better pictures up at Sweet Pea Knits later on today.
We finally made it to the beach yesterday. Our town has a small park with a swimming hole. And, trust me, it's just a swimming hole.
The pond is surrounded by nice big maples. This is especially nice for those of us who just want to read in the shade and keep an eye on our little ones.
Katie ran back and forth, from the sandy beach to her towel on the grassy hill for two hours.
We were surprised how quite it was at Fireman's Park. The weather was perfect.
Hey, you can even bring carry-ins!
Big bonus with children along....
Yeah...who am I kidding...I love being able to bring my Diet Dr. Pepper with me to the pool :o)
Patrick came by for a few minutes...just to be nice.
He is not a sun tan sort of guy.
Air conditioning and watching the US Open are more his speed.
Emma continues to read Gone with the Wind.
I am reading Created to be his Help Meet by Debi Pearl.
It is a Biblical look at at a woman's role in marriage.
My friend and I will be using this book in a small Bible study this summer.
I can't wait to get started!
In the past I have read and done Bible Studies with The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace and Loving Your Husband by Cynthia Heald.
Debi's book is more thorough than Loving your husband and has a more casual tone than The Excellent Wife.
I do however recommend all three books for those of you interested in books with information about a Biblical marriage.
Do you have any favorite 'marriage' books?
That's about all for this morning...
I am starting a Strawberry Milkshake buttonhole bag today :o)
Encourage one another,
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