Tuesday, April 23, 2013

I have been blessed...





Bright sunny cold day

I don't take this to mean that I am a blessing to others....
I understand this to mean that I am the one who is blessed to see beauty...
it makes me so happy every day to find things of beauty all around me.

words, songs, images, people, things, actions...

sometimes things are so beautiful
I can't hold it in and I cry

I feel so fortunate to have friends, like you, to share these things with.
It's so much better to share.
Not so much fun all alone.

Thanks for being here.

Encourage one another,

p.s. and now...i am hungry for that sandwich


  1. omigosh i want that sandwich.

  2. Yes... that sandwich really does look delicious.
    I think we knew what you meant... but you are the blessing, too!

  3. Um...yeah...that sandwich!

    It is a blessing to come here and see the beauty you find and share. I am currently taken by quotes that grab my heart.

    Love you~mean it.

  4. Lovely to see you every day -- to be blessed.

    Because you ARE a blessing to us. As are your readers :-)

    This post reminds me of a scripture - and I like it in The Message:

    Proverbs 11:25: The one who blesses others is abundantly blessed;
    those who help others are helped.

    It's a beautiful exchange - the blessings just come around.

    *P.S. I want that sandwich.

  5. The sandwich does look yummy, but if I have to choose I would like the s&p shakers, please :-)

    I cry (sniffly, contained crying) regularly over the beautiful world we live in. It's there, just waiting to be found.

    So glad you are here, sharing what you see. You're the huge!


  6. Anonymous12:28 PM

    (((Love))) this post and all the comments before mine! Feeling blessed that you share the beauty you see with us, Donna. Truly.

    Mary Z

    P.S. And I guess we'll have to serve that type of sandwich when we have a QL reunion! :)

  7. I'll have to take you to Cheesies next time you're here... lots of grilled cheese options. Lots. Go with the class this time, instead of the french onion ;)

  8. Anonymous12:44 PM

    LOVE the photo of the flying colored flags. And also the salt and pepper shakers- I swear my grandma had this exact set sitting on her stove for constant cooking use. Thank you for the beauty you share with us.
    Debbie Z.

  9. Wait? Did someone say QL reunion? Cuz that about brings me to tears! Can you imagine all your "followers" in one place?! Oh my heavens! Talk about a lot of beauty!!

  10. Donna,
    Your kindness and the community here at QL both are gifts. I cry all the time reading the quotes you put up and the beautiful imagery. Yesterday I was crying because my son graduates from boot camp this week. I'm so happy for him and relieved--but this has been a challenging journey and I'm not sure what is ahead. I'm never very good with endings or beginnings. Coming here is a comfort.


    1. Anonymous1:57 PM

      Consider yourself hugged Alison. Keeping you and your family and especially your military son in our prayers. jep

    2. Holding you and yours closely in my heart and prayers, Alison. Linda

  11. Oh, but you are a blessing to others.

  12. Cyndi K G1:35 PM

    I agree with all the comments: thank you for sharing so much beauty with us!

    ... and I would love that sandwich right now!

  13. Anonymous1:45 PM

    I would like the sandwich, too, please.
    You are a blessing to me, Donna. So is the QL community. Love, love, love. And blessings. : )
    Btw, ever since you posted Elton John's Blessed song Sophia and I listen to it almost daily. It's been added to our playlist. Sometimes when we are singing together I get all emotional and have to fight back the tears.

    Ya know I was in a cranky mood before I came here today. BUT, now my attitude is changed. I will make this a fine day. Maybe I'll go bake a pie.

    Sarah P. from Iowa

    1. I love the idea, the image of you and your daughter singing that beautiful song.

      Mmmmm pie!

    2. Anonymous5:02 PM

      I made a French Silk Pie. I plan to share it. It is sinfully delicious.


  14. Anonymous1:55 PM

    I do so love the beauty in the every day and the blessings that come from it all. You Donna are a blessing to me and I imagine everyone here in the QL comment section along with your other friends and your family.

    Reading about joys and tears reminded me of my devotion today which is about the Beatitudes. I especially liked the last two short paragraphs:

    "How do we find happiness in being poor and hungry and outcast? Look at the Beatitudes as a parable--a word-play parable. We are poor in spirit, but find joy and riches in God's word. We are hungry, but find strength and nourishment in God. We weep now, but compared to God's love our sorrow is transient

    The Beatitudes, with all the do's and don'ts, lead to one spirit-stirring fact: We are dependent upon God and His love and blessings, and our constant desire to become one with him. Ron Breathard 4-23-13 Day By Day

    We are blessed by the love that passes all understanding. love and prayers, jep

  15. Lovely post, MizBoo!

  16. Love the post ... made me literally stop and read it several times. Thank you for that pull back into reality.

    I. Want. That. Sandwich. Now.

  17. Anonymous6:56 PM

    all my life I have felt like I saw beauty in the ordinary.........in things others would have said, "Huh, what are you talking about?!" I love that you said sometimes you just cry. I am exactly the same way.

  18. I am glad that you share your God-given gifts with us. You are blessed, and then we are blessed.

  19. You are a treasure to all of us, Donna!

    That sandwich looks delicious!

  20. :::humming::: count your blessings name them one by one....count your blessings see what God hath done!

    No greater blessing than opening your heart to see what God sees in those around us and that only happens when we die to self. Those who do it in this crazy world around us are rare indeed.

    So thankful, Donna, that you often see treasures in those nothing places and then share them with us!

    Tammy ~@~

  21. You are such a blessing, Donna. I have to confess, lately I have struggled to see beauty anywhere. Well, that's extreme, because I look at my kids and think they're beautiful. But, when I look around me, when I'm out and about? I get overwhelmed by all that's not so beautiful. You always have good reminders here of the opposite: that there is beauty, and we just need to pay attention. This is not my gift. (I'm not just a glass-half-empty kind of girl, but a who-drank-out-of-my-glass?! kind of girl :P ) Anyway, thank you for being such a light here.

  22. Re-reading with my first cup of coffee, on Wednesday.

    A thought kept coming as I looked at the beauty and the comments.

    Together is better.

    p.s. Di, I agree - I like that S & P shaker set so much. Very homey and comforting.

  23. I just read yesterday's post this morning. Thank you for helping us see the beauty in the every-day scenes of life that we so often miss. I needed this reminder to STOP occasionally and just 'smell the roses' - or really to value what God has given us.

  24. You know of my devotion to your blog--for the beauty and simplicity, it's such a blessing, every day! And sometimes it makes me really think about good, meaningful things (reading Bonoeffer, too, just slower). I could go on and on. We need a 'like' button in the comment section! :-)

    1. {{{LIKE}}} :-)

      The beauty of simplicity ... yes, such a blessing.

  25. Loved this post, Donna. Thank you for sharing your gifts! Lovely. I look forward to reading here everyone morning =]

  26. For you I am so thankful.

  27. I love your blog-- it is so beautiful- I have been following you for years, and I would just like to thank you-- your writing and photos, thoughts, are all a true blessing.


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