The carpet in the living room is dry.
And I was able to carry the little tree in all by myself.
Do you see how small the space if for a tree?
We lost a bit in order to fit it in the stand...
So it is even smaller than even I thought it would be.
I don't think I will put my Muffy Angel on top. She will look like King Kong.
Wouldn't it be funny to put a blue blanket around the bottom of the tree this year?
Okay...enough about our wee tree.
The carpets look very nice. They were filthy and I had my work cut out for me.
So glad it's done...and remind me on June 15th to do it all over again.
That would be the smart thing to do.
Don't you think?
Onward and upward....
We've got so much time and so little to do.
Reverse that.
(We watched Willie Wonka last night, can you tell?)
I have a nice hardy list of things to do today.
Better get started :o)
Thank you for so many complimentary comments yesterday! Reading them brought me cheer amid the buckets of dirty water and trips to Madison.
Encourage one another,
p.s. Have you ever peeked at your Christmas presents prior to receiving them?
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