Friday, June 23, 2006

Safe and sounds and already caffeinated :o)

Emma's travels went very well. She has even taken a trip to the Mall/Starbucks with Janie(the mom) and Melissa(a daughter) already.

God smiled on us as gave us an American Airlines employee who had the heart(and power) to let us go to the gate with Emma. Since 911 this is not a customary practice. I am ever so grateful that we did not have to say goodbye to Emma at security...hours before her flight.

I thanked the woman and she said, "I have children and I like to go to the gate with them. Even my 22 year old."

Thank you God. Thank you all for your prayers.

Friday Five

1. When was the first time you traveled, by air, alone?
2. At what age would you feel comfortable putting your child on a plane?
3. If you could have airline tickets for your family, where would you go?
4. How about just you and your husband?
5. What do you miss most about home, when you are away?

I miss sleeping in my own bed. I have a hard time sleeping when I am away from home, especially the first night!

Fine Art Friday

Mr. and Mrs. Andrews by Thomas Gainsbourough

Learn more about Gainsbourough and see a larger image of this fine portrait,

Again, thank you for the prayers and all of the good wishes!
They mean a lot to us!

Encourage one another,

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