Cindy and I had so much fun over the weekend!
We went to the Farmer's Market
(I did not edit these Paoli pictures. sooc)
and the Union.
(where it was dark and I didn't have my camera...but there was a visit to the orange chair.)
We went out to eat and talked and talked and talked.
Cindy brought me a really cool letterpress print that I adore.
The artist is an art teacher at the school where Cindy teaches. Her name is Carrie Shroyck.
Carrie and her friend have a wonderful Etsy shop. Cindy and I sat and looked and looked and I got to hear about
Carrie's family and her growing business.
One of their items has been chosen and ordered by a VERY cool and famous national store!!
Here are a few of my very favorite letterpress items at 1 Canoe 2
Look at these adorable coasters!
The girls are making a series of State prints. I have heard the slogan for the Wisconsin print and it's perfect!!! I will be first in line to buy that print!
And how about this cute print for my favorite city in to Paris :o)
I think I need a new recipe file....Carrie's dad makes the box!!!
If forgot to ask where the name comes from...maybe Cindy will tell us in the comments!~
Thank you Cindy and Carrie for the fantastic camera print!!!
I love it!
1 canoe 2
It's a gorgeous start to a new week....
Lots to be thankful for!
Love to all who enter here,
p.s. All of the pictures of the 1 canoe 2 items are right from their Etsy.
I did not take them...but I had permission to use them.
p.p.s. Here is the other gal from 1 canoe 2....
just found her Beth Snyder
Beth Snyder
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