I had a heck of a time taking pictures in the streets and getting them exposed correctly. The dark of the buildings and the bright of the sky.
I tell you. It was a challenge!
Who remembers when the Prudential building was the tallest building in Chicago?
I do.
I saw my first robin yesterday!!
April by John Updike
This is the older one. The revised version does not speak of God.
It's spring! Farewell
To chills and colds!
The blushing, girlish
World unfolds
Each flower, leaf,
And blade of sod-
Small letters sent
To her from God.
The sky's a herd
Of prancing sheep,
The birds and fields
Abandon sleep,
And jonquils, tulips,
Bloom bright upon
The wide-eyed hills.
All things renew.
All things begin.
At church, they bring
The lilies in.
A Child's Calendar (1965)
Our friend Christina, who has been so great with her comments on the Bonhoeffer book, actually was invited to dinner with the author, Eric Metaxas, this week.
If you follow this link you can read about her thrilling evening and see a picture of Christina and Eric!!
Christina meets Eric Metaxas, author of the Bonhoeffer book we are reading!
With love,
Ahhhh, challenges are good for us! They teach us and grow us :-) Love your pictures of the windy city. I hope to make a trip that way in the spring whenever it decides to get here. Please tell your robin to NOT travel north quite yet as there is still snow in our forecast and plenty of it on the ground!
Tammy ~@~
The picture of Katie reminds me of something out of the 60's or 70's. It's dreamy. I like it.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad that you remembered your Lensbaby! ; ) It looks like it'd be a fun challenge. I like the new spin it puts on the pictures.
I'm so happy you saw a robin!!!!!! I stepped outside earlier in my pajamas and didn't freeze my tush off. It's gonna be a good day!
Thank you for the poem,
Sarah P. from Iowa
Congratulations, Christina! :)
Great Katie picture and I really like the clock one, too.
ReplyDeleteYes, the second verse in the poem here is the best.
What a special treat for Christina, so happy for her.
love and prayers, jep
I love Chicago through your eyes.
ReplyDeleteYAY Christine!! That is so cool :-)
Its cool and blustery today in the south of France - where is Spring??
Interesting pictures/lens. :)
ReplyDeleteI went over and read Christina's post and comments (of course). teehee How exciting and what a wonderful opportunity.
I'm so happy you saw a robin. New life. Hope. Right around the corner.
I meant to say....and commented ;)
ReplyDeleteSpring is here, in Half Moon Bay despite rain today. I saw lilacs for the first time in bloom down the block. I told the woman who has the lilac bushes that they bring mew joy. She said, "Me, too."
I saw your comment about the robin yesterday on facebook and no less than ten seconds later, I saw a robin in our own yard. I could hardly believe it. I started to type it all out to you but then my fingers got tired of typing on the phone so I thought I would write to you about it later. Today is later : ).
ReplyDeleteI love the pictures you captured in Chicago. Exposing in the city is hard if it is a cloudy day and you are amidst tall buildings.
I was visited Chicago only once. We went to a pretty mall and ate expensive chocolates. I don't know what mall it was. We did not see the Bean. I was with my gym teacher who had taken us to a Bible Conference at Hyles Anderson College.
Have you ever heard of that place?
So many things are going on right now and I feel discouraged. I wish I could come and have some coffee with you. Or orange juice : ).
I love the feel of the lensbaby pictures.
ReplyDeleteMy husband's grandmother who lived to be 92 used to call jonquils "Johnny Quills". She thought that was what they were called and no one ever corrected her. I can't see the flower or read the name without smiling and remembering Granny Lannan.
Congratulations to Christina!
Johnny Quills. yup. I love that!
DeleteOh, how I love Chicago! I grew up in southern Illinois and we'd go visit family there when I was a kid and then, when I was in college, my friends and I went a few times.
ReplyDeleteOn a different note, it's definitely spring here in Florida, but the weather lately has been reflecting the emotional state of my friends and me. I'd like to ask the beautiful community of Quiet Life to pray for my dear friend, Mary. She is in her last days of a year-long battle with breast cancer. Soon, she will go home to Jesus while leaving behind her three gorgeous babies (ages 5, 3, and 1), her devoted husband, and a large circle of family and friends who cherish her. I was at her bedside this morning. What a devastatingly beautiful gift that was.
Thanks, ladies.
God bless you Beth - and help your friend Mary each step of the way. I am so sorry.
DeleteHeartbreaking news.
DeleteGod bless.
DeletePrayers for Mary and family...and for you as her dear friend. So sorry!
Praying for your friend Mary and for her family and you her friend.
DeleteGod bless and be with you each one.
love and prayers, jep
Prayers for your friend, Mary, her family, and her friends. May love surround you all and hold you together during this hard hard time.
DeletePraying for Mary's husband and children and those who support and comfort them. May Mary's journey into the arms of Jesus be peaceful and sweet. Praying for you, too, Beth. It is so hard to lose a dear friend.
DeleteDebbie Z.
Oh Beth, I'll be praying for your friend, her family, and those who know and love her.
ReplyDeleteI wanted to say quickly you all blessed my socks off with your visits and comments on my blog. :)
Donna, your pictures are always magical. I have never been to Chicago, but every spring Dallas has identity issues, and thinks it's either Chicago (crazy windy) or Seattle (rainy for days). ;)
DeleteDid you get a chance to ask who wrote the questions? (-:
Loved your reflections and the picture!
I did...it was not Eric, and when I asked if he did write them, he made a face as he said no. It made me giggle on the inside. I said,"We didn't think so." haha!!
DeleteI like the green clock pic! It's like time was stopped. I'd like to believe we can stop time.
ReplyDeletemeter off the concrete!
ReplyDeleteThanks Paula. I will try that.
ReplyDeleteI don't know, Donna. I'm not a fan of the lensbaby yet. I think your photography is awesome! Absolutely. What is the lensbaby doing for you? I ask with all do respect.
ReplyDeletep.s. That was my question but I forgot to sign my name- Jamie
DeleteFor me, the Lensbaby gives me a chance to see the world a little different. Kind of like
ReplyDelete'rose colored glasses'. I especially like the picture of Katie. I have thousands of pictures of Katie. This one is interesting to me because it is different than all the others.
Donna-Thank you for your reply. I understand what you are doing with it now and that would be rather fun. I, too, especially like the picture of Katie. You have pure magic when it particularly comes to photographing people. Keep looking through your rose colored glasses lensbaby and sharing the results, please, because I love your perspective. You have inspired us ( my family) to take better photos. Jamie
DeleteI love these. It does make you work, doesn't it? The clock is wonderful. xo