Saturday, June 05, 2010

Sorry I left you hanging in the lurch this morning....

I was getting a workout.

AKA taking pictures of adorable sisters!


Big Sis was a listener and helper and had the sweetest spirit!

Little Sis was on the go, go, go!!!


She didn't really know what to think of me....
I was the person keeping her from....
totally diving in the water!!

Oh how she loves the water!



She loves art and just turned seven.
She made my job very delightful.

I made her do silly things like spin and helped her warm up to me.


Little model in the temple.

Love this :o)


Gentle and spunky.
Isn't that the best thing about children?
How different they are from one another,
yet... always wonder-full!

I feel very fortunate to be invited into the family circle....even for a short time.

Somewhere in my youth or childhood.....
I must have done something good ;o)

Encourage one another,

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