Friday, June 03, 2011


Let's talk about napping.

1. Do you like to nap?
2. How often do you nap?
3. How long are your naps?

I remember my mom napping. My daughter Emma naps and so does my husband.
Sometimes I try to nap but it usually makes me feel groggy and nauseaus.

Angie's mom napped in Seventeenth Summer....

My mother was almost asleep when I pushed open the door gently, lying on top of the blankets with my old blue flannel bathrobe thrown over her. Sunlight filtered through the drawn shades in a brownish-yellow glow and the crocheted circle used to pull them down twirled in the breeze...

I love Maureen Daly. She is not John Irving...reading her is relaxing and comforting and sweet.

The romamtic, dreamy, summery first kiss from Seventeenth Summer.
I promised I'd read is so far from perfect reading...but I only manage to
film single takes.

Anything more and I might be fake.

It's long and dark and perfect for putting you to sleep....
Enjoy ;op

Seventeenth Summer by Maureen Daly
Before smoking was bad and kissing on the third date was risque.

I. am. having. second. thoughts. about. putting. this. up.

I always think of Elisabeth Elliot's daughter Valerie Shephard and how she had all 8 or nine of her children go to their rooms in the afternoon for a rest. It was the family routine and it helped Valerie make it thru those days with small children, all at home.

Wishing you sweet dreams and moon beams and skin that smells like ivory soap.


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