Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Harvest Moon.

Pretty night


Harvest Moon. Neil Young.

I can't tell you how much I love this song.

Encourage one another,


  1. Evidence that I love you, Donna Elsie: I willingly listened to a Neil Young song. I even waited for it to buffer. And I even sort of liked it.

    Neil Young's Heart of Gold is the only 45 LP I have ever smashed. I guess my sister listened to it One Too Many Times (-:

    More of a Crosby, Stills and Nash fan.

    But how 'bout the moon this week? WOW. Beautimous.


  2. Anonymous11:55 AM

    I'm with Di, he's not a favorite - but this is such a sweet song, really lovely - and it brings a smile. For some reason, it seems like I've heard it in a romantic movie - at least that's what it feels like.

    A pretty cloudy wet week here in Munich - no glimpse of a beautiful moon :-/

    ~ Susan

  3. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Oh Donna, I love Neil Young! Favorites are Harvest Moon, Only Love Can Break Your Heart, and Heart of Gold. Weren't the 70s fabulous?

    Debbie Z.

  4. Dogmom12:55 PM

    You know, Donna, I had to go to iTunes (easier than digging out an old album or even CD!) to have a listen to remind me about Harvest Moon. What a joy to listen to that again! It brought back so many fine memories. And what a pleasure to just listen to some great music. I am always listening to an audiobook in the car anymore and rarely music. I'm sitting at my desk quietly singing to myself and feeling very happy. This has been such a sad week. Thanks so much for your lovely thought. Love your blog every day in San Diego.

  5. Anonymous2:40 PM

    On our early morning prayer walks in the neighborhood lately the moon has been so big and round...a Harvest Moon, so pretty. Such a lovely photograph here today too along with a remembered sweet song. Simply wonder-filled stopping by here. Thank you!
    love and prayers, jep

  6. Anonymous3:18 PM

    This brightened my day. Thank you!

    Mary Z

  7. Dogmom3:36 PM

    Just noticed that you had a video of him playing it! Sorry, I have a plug-in that doesn't show me the embedded videos unless I click on them and didn't realize that's what it was! Love it too!

    1. Dogmom5:45 PM

      And I especially love your Unplugged version. So sweet.

  8. I didn't know until about a month ago that he was the Y in CSN&Y. Seriously. He was totally in my blind spot - one hit in the 80's is all I knew - and I never liked much of what I heard. But this more acoustic setting is perfect for him. Really love it. Now i'm going to bundle up and go on the back deck and watch for shooting stars. Hope I get lucky! :)

    1. Get lucky in seeing the stars, that is. ;)

    2. Anonymous10:52 PM

      Stephanie, you made me laugh. Hilarious.

      Debbie Z.

      P.S. Hope you saw some shooting stars. I haven't seen one all summer and they are such a gift when you happen to catch one.

    3. Anonymous11:32 PM

      Steph, you crack me up

      - reminds me of when my old doggy was still with us and I would tell a friend I was going to fetch him from his doggy farm where he stayed ... "I have to go get Lucky" ha!

      ~ S

    4. Up all night to get lucky... That was last summers song :op

  9. Btw. I know all the good, mellow Neil Young songs.
    He can be quite charming.

  10. Me too. Favorite artist in my teens. Still way up there.


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