This heavy vignette is what happens when my 17-55 2.8 DX is used at it widest on my D700.
This is why the dude at B & H recommended I go with the D300. So I could still use this wide angle lens to it's fullest capacity.
But the top picture is on 24mm and if that's as wide as I can go with this lens, I'm okay with it.
I am really enjoying the D700 and am super happy to have it!
This is my favorite scene from The Holiday.
The children are the most charming little child actors I have ever seen.
They are so unaffected and natural and perfect.
And check out the music in the background.
Love it.
So much!
"You look like my Barbie."
Emma is giving a bridal/lingerie party tomorrow for her best friend.
Emma had the ambitious idea to decorate cookies that look like a fancy bra and panties.
Now. You know me and new baking projects. Not real confident.
Patrick is coming to the rescue and baking his famous cut outs and all Emma and Cindy and I will have to do is decorate them.
Martha Stewart style. With royal frosting. I can only hope that Cindy and Emma have the decorators gene.
Heaven help us!
Wishing you a fantastic weekend with successful challenges and happy times.
Encourage one another,
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