This is Mickey Lu's at night.
It is a place of memories and deliciousness.
It is a place we love.
Emma and I stopped for lunch at Mickey Lu's yesterday afternoon before going to Peter's wake and funeral.
When we met up with Matthew and Melinda at the church they hadn't eaten yet.
They wouldn't be hungry for a few more hours.
When they decided to take a quick break near dinner time I told Matthew to take Melinda to Mickey Lu's.
And he just couldn't.
He couldn't go to a happy place. A place of such pleasure. Not right then. He just couldn't.
And I understand it. I remember when my parents died, I thought I would never smile again.
How could I ever experience joy and happiness when my parents were dead?
How could I stand in front of the crowd and cheer a cheer?
It seemed impossible.
But two weeks later. I did.
It takes time. But we must go on. We must live. And we must live joyfully and with thanks.
We believe Peter is in heaven and everyone will miss his sweet, faithful soul terribly.
But we also believe we have a purpose here on earth. We can not give up living when our beloved ones leave us.
It may be the hardest thing we are ever asked to do.
But we must.
Learn God's truth and pass it on.
Ben, Bo and Peter came to Matthew and Melinda's wedding.
This morning I searched my stack of pictures to see if I had one of Peter.
This is Peter and his big brother, Bo.
Always together.
I will never forget Peter; a young man who loved and served the Lord.
I will never stop praying for his special family.
In a week or so I will send this picture to Patty and Claude.
One of you suggested that a note after a while was a blessing.
A note that your child was remembered and loved.
I am thankful for that suggestion.
I sure hope Matthew and Melinda make it to Mickey Lu's today or tomorrow.
He just may not be ready tho.
Matthew has a very tender heart.
I need to pray for him, too.
Encourage one another,
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