Monday, July 11, 2011


Lots of times when you shoot in the open shade, you don't get the best backgrounds...
I'm so glad I figured this one out.

We went to the art fair. It was so hot. And crowded.
Every year it is so hot and crowded. I hope the artists sell lots of things.

There is always a few people selling felted or knitted clothes.
I always, always feel badly for them, because who in the world would buy a winter item when it is boiling hot and they are sweating.


I'm so happy I stumbled upon this little method while I was taking Emily's senior pictures.

I will definitely be watching for more beautiful reflections.

Here's wishing for colorful reflections.....
found in your camera and in your life.

Two years ago today I took the famous Glyman kids family pictures in Florida.
Wesley and Stephanie were married.
We were having tons of fun in the sun.


Encourage one another,

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