It is so humid and balmy outside today I would think I was in
if it wasn't for the changing leaves, chipmunks, Packer's pom poms and the wilting tomato plants....
This poem is on Katie's classroom wall...
I am thankful for her teachers and school.
The breezes taste
Of apple peel.
The air is full
Of smells to feel-
Ripe fruit, old footballs,
Burning brush,
New books, erasers,
Chalk, and such.
The bee, his hive,
Well-honeyed hum,
And Mother cuts
Like plates washed clean
With suds, the days
Are polished with
A morning haze.
- September, John Updike
We had to dash from the volleyball game to the wedding.
Both events started at 2:00.
School sports have a way with messing with regularly scheduled events, don't they?
We love them, tho. We love the good parts of sports.
Katie picked out this dress while Emma and I chose a wedding gift.
She told me she found a dress and I told her to go and get it.
One quick look at the dress and the price and we bought it. (14.99)
Katie is a sporty girl. Not frilly.
Her favorite color is orange this year. We found a Gap Fleece Pullover in the closet that must be from one of Nancy's girls. (Caroline is 26. I'm sure we have had this pullover in the closet for ten years!)
It is still too large for Katie....but I think she will be wearing it very soon!
I wonder if Nancy realizes how much we have loved her hand me-downs :o)
Last week at Ree's people chose their favorite place to live.
The Midwest made a very poor showing.
That's too bad.
It's beautiful here.
Encourage one another,
Oh my gosh.. I totally forgot to write about Dancing with the Stars!!!
We had so much fun talking about it on Facebook last night....I'm all talked out.
Here is my updated list and opinions....
In the order they danced last night.
Audrina. Boring. Decent dancer but boring.
Kurt Warner-He is not bad. His back story is great. Who doesn't love a good guy with seven kids? He has the most genuine and handsome smile. This charisma will keep him around for a while.
Kyle Massey is the Disney kid....and I LOVED HIM!!! He has great potential and he is fun and cute and chubby and I love him.
Rick Fox- He is graceful and handsome. He can dance. Still not a huge fan yet.
Margaret Cholooked just stunning in her pretty dress....until Louie made her dance the fool and ruin her chances!!! Her sweet parents were there and I am so sorry that Louies Choreography will be the cause of her early exit. If Bristol does not go home tonight it will be Margaret.
Bristol Palinn- She is so shy and is really out of her element. People thought Kate was out of her element. No. It's this girl.
She has pretty legs and wore a cute red dress. But I think she will go home first. She does not have a fan base at all.
By the way. I love Bristol's partner and will be so sad if he goes!!!
Brandy- Another boring dancer. From the waist down she was lovely. Her arms need work.
Florence Henderson- Oh my goodness. She did not dance. She is old, yes, but she really didn't dance. Her figure is fab and she had a pretty dress. But ugh. She will stay because people like really old, odd broads on this show for some reason. (aka Cloris L).
Michael Bolton-He is graceful and fit but needs to loosen up. Who knew he was still giving concerts? My husband casinos. But he has fans so he will stay, I'm pretty sure.
The Situation...I think his name is Mike.- He was pigeon toed and pretty awkward.
But I liked his attitude. This show humbles most people, doesn't it? He is dancing with Karina and I must say...she just had her lips injected. I didn't know people were still doing that! The Sit has a fan base. I think he will stay.
Jennifer Grey- Love her. What a tiny little thing she is. She will make it to the end....and she will do the lift. Mark my words!!! I hope her fans voted.
David Hasselhoff-He is so icky, I had to look away. His legs are freakishly long and weird looking. He was wearing pleather. I wish he was the first to go but I don't think we will be so lucky. The ones I want to go usually stick around for 6 or 7 weeks.
There. That's better.
What did you think?
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