Not her.
I'm pretty laid back and have very few perfectionist tendencies.
And for 25 years I put my camera-love on the back shelf.
Little wiggly babies are hard to capture with a manual the one I used in college.
All the focusing and adjusting was just too much.
So we bought a Canon Sureshot. (And my Minolta had a kink. Something was not right. I can't remember what.)
So I happily clicked away with my easy, breezy Sureshot.
I was in love with my baby....and subsequent children and was a busy young mommy.
I hardly noticed the photo quality.
And then I started the blog.
And I had to have a digital camera.
Pictures help me tell a story.
Pictures inspire me.
And I was happy, snappy with my automatic digital Olympus.
Until I started taking pictures for Project 365.
And all my pictures were looking flat.
And I just didn't like the quality of what I was seeing.
Then one day, I stumbled onto Confessions of a Pioneer Woman...
And I remembered what I forgot about the SLR camera.
The colors, the depth, the control.
And Ree gave the greatest tutorial on her camera.
And the two things I wanted to be able to do the most were:
Inside shots without a flash.
Blurry background with clear subject.
Then one day, I mentioned to my husband, that I might rather have a camera than a puppy this year....
And he was all over that!
The next day he had talked to co-workers and they happened to like the same camera that Ree used.
And the rest, is history.
I had my camera for five days before we left for Europe.
(This lead to an stressful moment on the Eiffel Tower when I was seeing very strange things in the viewfinder and I had no idea what to do about it.)
There are so many features on this camera that I haven't a clue how to use.
And sadly, I have forgotten more than I remember from my college days.
But, soon I will take a class to learn to use my D80 as well as I can.
I feel like I'm off to a good start with it...
but I still have a lot to learn.
The farmer's market opens this morning up at the Capitol.
They don't have much at this time of year...
but I'll bet the baker with the homefried donuts it there...
the one who wondered if I was Katie's grandma.
I forgive her really I do.
I'll even eat her donuts again.
Happy Weekend to all.
We have been promised 70's and southerly winds.
Encourage one another,
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