Near our hotel in the Latin Quarter we found a small area with a few shops and Cafes.
This was our stop for breakfast two mornings in a row and where I purchased Emma's birthday cake. Emma was 18 on the 31st of March.
I think this is the prettiest picture I took all week.
We walked past this spot ten times on the way to and from the hotel in Paris and the Metro and bus. Since it was drizzling, the shop wasn't open...but
then it was open...and I walked up to take a sniff...and remember that I should take a picture.
And I'm so glad I did.
Emma, happy and very Mary Tyler Moore, don't you think?
We took bus 63 to this great drop off sight overlooking the Eiffel Tower.
This is the very first place the girls wanted to go to!
We walked down a slew of stairs past a fountain and across a busy intersection to the tower.
The girls took the ride to the top.
I thought the second level was high enough.
I would save my climbing high for another day.
And so it began.
Our great and tiring dash thru Paris, Florence and Roma.
Now, I'm not sure what you all would like to hear about, so you know what would make it easier on me (and it's all about making things easier on me :o)
Ask a specific question...and I will try to answer it in the days to come!
And by the way...
Nothing was lost or stolen.
No one was pinched.
We had only one snooty-no-eye-contact waiter and that was in Florence.
Our plane was one hour late out of Chicago.
And almost two hours late leaving Rome from London.
The plane we were to be on.
Flight 91.
Was exactly on time.
(Which is why we missed the plane on Friday evening)
Merci for the welcome home messages!
Encourage one another,
And don't forget to click on the pictures to see them much bigger!
Photobucket will not let me choose the size of the picture.
If you know of a way around PB's sizing restrictions, let me know.
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