Katie's family while we were away.
Peter and Jeaneen's sweet family minus one...little Josiah was asleep.
Crazy tourist pose at the Luxembourg Gardens.
A beautiful afternoon for a stroll.
Yep! That's the Eiffel Tower behind us!
We are home...a day late..but we are home and happy to be here.
We had a wonderful, tiring, exciting, educational, glorious time.
Thank you for your prayers.
I missed Katie so much and am so thankful to come home to her.
I had a hard time being away from her and worrying that I wouldn't make it back to my baby.
I wept almost every time I thought of her...
And reading Traveling Mercies didn't help!
I have been weeping my way through that book the last few days...
And then watching The Pursuit of Happyness and Charlotte's web made me weep on the plane...
And thanking Jeaneen and Peter for their kindness to us....
well...made me weep...
Perhaps the waterworks will stop soon...
When I get some rest.
Home is good.
Europe was stunning.
But home is where my heart is...
And here is my slogan I have written for British Airways/American Airlines.
American Airlines:
We take the fun out of traveling.
Click on the pics.
They look so much better bigger :o)
I missed you, blog-sistahs!
Encourage one another,
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