My sisters got to listen to me read the good parts in books, out loud to them, because I just had to
share them. I couldn't keep the goodness to myself.
I am not kidding when I say the most wonderful feeling is when I tell someone to read a book...
and they read it and love it like I did.
We are connected for life thru that book. It's odd. But it's true.
I feel pretty much the same way about teaching photography classes.
It is such a joy to teach something I love to students who are so inspired to learn more!
Last week, I had a one on one mentoring session with Heidi.
She had a nanny there to watch her little girl...but she couldn't stay away from all
the learning and fun.
Camera Nikon D700
Exposure 1/8000 sec
Aperture f/1.8
Focal Length 50 mm
ISO Speed 400
We worked on full sun/backlit photography.
(Model tip: If your model doesn't like to stand still have them run toward you.
Over and over.)
Katie came along to model for us....
Exposure 0.001 sec (1/2000)
Aperture f/1.6
Focal Length 50 mm
ISO Speed 200
But there were beautiful models all around :o)
And so as I prepare for Workshop #3 on Saturday....I will think about the fun and learning and sharing we will have.
I will not worry about the weather.
There is no sense in worrying about something you have no control over, is there?
Saturday night at the Union.
No worries mon.
No worries.
Guess what my favorite part of this picture is?
Happy cleaning day!
Encourage one another,
Alright. I can't make you wait. You have been such good guessers....
This curve. I love.
I do love her expression...but this curve just pleases my eye.
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