1. To Kill A Mockingbird (I happen to love the piano music along with everything else about this movie)
2. Green Card
3. Parenthood
4. On Golden Pond
5. Sleepless in Seattle
6. Bull Durham
7. Field of Dreams (Is this heaven? No it's Iowa.)
8. A League of Our Own (There's no crying in baseball!!!)
9. The Natural (I love the ending...running the bases with the sparks raining down...Wow)
10. The Women (Old black and white sassy comedy/drama directed by George Cukor)
"Neighbors bring food with death, and flowers with sickness, and little things in between. Boo was our neighbor. He gave us two soap dolls, a broken watch and chain, a knife, and our lives."
Who knew we liked so many baseball movies?
We actually like baseball movies much more than we like baseball.
Batter up,
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