I am reading Elisabeth Elliot's book These Strange Ashes. (Thanks for the push Camy :o)
Last night I read something so excellent and typically Elisabeth. She is speaking of the 'church' in the jungle.
"Here, in the greatest simplicity, a few true believers had come together to give testimony to their belief...
As regards the setting, the music, the degree of understanding on the part of the majority, the command of language...the Miguel church left everything to be desired.
But Almighty God does come and in fact dwell with men. And He, when He was God manifest in the flesh, left a simple command, "This do in remembrance of me."
Obedience to that command is possible nearly anywhere, anytime, by any who are willing. It does not require much of visible trappings, of emotional enthusiasm, or of intellectual vigor.
"It hits below the intellect," I heard a priest once say.
So it was this San Miguel assembly that was the real heart of our life together."
Isn't that wonderful?
Anywhere...Anytime...By any who are willing,
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