Is it Mother's Day soon?
Do your children ask you over and over: What do you want for mother's day?
Katie does and I can never think of anything.
Our mother knew what she wanted. And so did our father.
Mother's Day, Father's Day, their birthdays.....
They would answer, "Don't fight with your brothers and sisters. That's what I want!"
I don't know if we ever managed to give them that gift.
Katie has no one to fight with. Isn't that odd. She and Emma do not fight. She has never fought with her siblings.
But those flowers above. Katie was thinking they could be my mother's day gift.
I took a picture and told her they would last much longer in a picture.
They sure are pretty!
They are weeds according to the lawn man.
The colors are really this beautiful here in Wisconsin.
I did not saturate or use anything special on these shots.
It is just so beautiful out there.
I think my favorite color in the whole world is Spring Green
East Meets West
Last night Katie and Emma and I went to another gathering to encourage and support Pastor Daniel and his ministry.
He shared his testimony and explained how his ministry has grown.
He is a beautiful servant of God.
The team that went to India last summer sang a few worship songs.
My favorite was the song sung in Daniel's native language.
I will try to get the words for you. They are wonderful.
But it was such a upbeat song and Daniel smiled so big when they sang it.
It was one of my favorite moments.
Pastor Daniel says, "Pray for India."
As you can imagine I didn't see AI.
I hear Brooke was sent home. Was she relieved?
Kris S, thank you for doing your part and keeping Syesha in the running.
Is spring time super busy for you all?
I feel like a bear coming out of hibernation.
But I don't smell like a bear.
Thank goodness :o)
Encourage one another,
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