Nancy gave me this picture over the weekend. She said she could get another copy. I will put it up on Facebook so all of our family can see it.
Jim and Esther are in the middle.
Next to our dad is Sue Scott, she is our brother in laws mom. Doesn't she look pretty in this picture!?
Next to our mom is Vern Scott, he is our brother in laws dad. What a dear, sweet man!
This picture was taken the summer before our parents died. We think it is Nancy and Binky's engagement party.
Our mom LOVED her green and white chiffon dress!! I did too.
After our parent's died, Sue and Vern were a wonderful part of our lives.
They were supportive and loving and always tried to do special things for us.
They did not know our parents well, but the short time they did was full of fun times and excitement for both couples.
Oh! How I love this picture.
I want to share a great housekeeping tip.
In all my years....I have not heard of this one and it will be a real help around here!!
~thanks Pinterest
I love the colourful clothes she wears
And the way the sunlight plays upon her hair
I hear the sound of a gentle word
On the wind that lifts her perfume through the air
Happy Thursday!
We are in for a windy afternoon!!!
I'm so excited! I love a blustery day!
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