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Janet's Blog
The Cedar Waxwing
This post is especially for Lynn.
Brought to you by Lori in MN (Lynn's sister), Gretchen(Lori's daughter) and Me(friend to one and all).
Lynn and Lori were on the phone yesterday afternoon when Lori spotted a flock of unusual brown birds outside her front window. They were feasting of the fruit trees.
Lori described them and Lynn identified them.
Lori sent her young daughter, Gretchen, to take pictures of their gorgeous visitors.
Lynn really wanted to see the birds so she asked Lori to send them to me to post on the blog.
And well, I am happy to oblige.
I love birds, too, and the Cedar Waxwing is kind of my Holy Grail of birds.
We do not see them in Southern Wisconsin very often.
In fact, I have only seen one, once.
But now. I think I know where to look.
Fruit trees. They love fruit.
That's one important key in birding....knowing where to look.
So here they are, the Cedar Waxwings of Minnesota.
(Go eat some breakfast while they load, Lynn)
Come to Wisconsin, Birdies. We have fruit here too!!!
I must say Gretchen did a mighty fine job!
Aren't those great shots!?
I just added a teeny bit of photoshop contrast, but look how nice one can do with a good point and shoot camera!
Lori tells me these are thru a window!
Excellent photos Gretchen!!!
Find out more about this beautiful bird here
What bird is on your 'dying to see' list?
Encourage one another,
p.s. This was fun. Anyone else have something they'd like me to do?
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