What was the last game you purchased?
Clue. With the new, adorable pieces. This is a game I really like to play with Katie.
Lately we have been playing chess. I stink at chess and don't know the technicalities.
But, I know it's a good brain I'm going to make an effort to learn them with Katie.
Name something in which you don’t believe.
Global Warming.
There. I said it. How's that for being controversial on the old Quiet Life.
If you could choose a celebrity to be your boss, who would you pick?
1. I would like to work for Tom Hanks. Yeah. I'd like to take his family pictures. Especially pictures with him and Rita.
2. And then I would like to work for Ron Howard. I would like to pick out the music for his movies.
3. And then I would like to work for Angelina Jolie. Because I would like to be her official photographer because I think it would be endlessly interesting and varied and we would travel the world and she has lots of children to photograph. And well...she and Brad aren't chopped liver either.
Main Course
What was a lesson you had to learn the hard way?
Describe your idea of the perfect relaxation room.
Comfortable chair.
Blanket on my lap.
Television on. (sorry folks, just being honest)
Diet Dr. Pepper (I am nothing...if not consistent)
Calendar Announcement;
I have tried and tried and tried and can not upload my images:those carefully chosen images that I resized and assigned the correct Dpi to.
I have no idea why it is not working. I have spoken to four people online from and they have not be able to help me.
Time has run out. I am so sorry.
One day soon I will make a collage of all the pictures I was going to use and post it here.
Just for kicks.
I still haven't ordered or purchased one Christmas gift.
Nor have I ordered my Christmas cards.
Yesterday we had the most unusual day of school ever.
Katie started a little project on her own early in the morning.
She drew a little picture with her oil pastels. And the she decided to write a story to go with it.
She ran back and forth from the kitchen to the family room about ten times asking me to write down the spelling of words.
She wrote a very nice six sentence story. Illustrated.
Then I said it was time to read. Somehow she was holding Mr. Putter and Tabby Catch a Cold.
Instead of reading our usual Ginger Pye. I let Katie read Mr. Putter outloud.
I love to listen to her read outloud.
After that....
we watched Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat.
We have been reading thru Genesis with The Children's Story Bible by Catherine Vos.
I love Joseph's story.
Katie thought all the different musical styles were really weird for this story.
I kept explaining to her that the creators of the show were just trying to make it fun and interesting.
She wasn't buying it.
It was a fun and mixed up day for us. But a nice little change.
Back to the books today.
Hooray. Friday morning and no where to go.
School is in session :o)
Looking forward to reading your answers!
Hey! I'm tied for first in the Homeschool Blog Contest.
Thanks for voting for me! The voting ends on Dec. 15th. I will post a link one more time before the end...
just in case you want to make me the winner.
Encourage one another,
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