la la la la la,
la la la la....
The concert songs are ringing in my ears....
each time I woke last night and even as I type....
The Flame concert is over...and it was delightful.
Next week we have a encore at the Capitol.
I love the's so pretty in the Capitol.
Here is the before the concert picture.
So serious and dignified.
You have never seen a more animated child or dramatic dancer on the stage
She totally got into it! All her motions are large and the shake of her shoulders and the wiggle of her hips.
But! She didn't do anything naughty so that is a happy check in her column.
The whole drama team pushed me to the limit and just this morning, I thought of the mother in The Best Christmas Pageant Ever....and how she was not suited to her call....but in the end it turned out fact it turned out to be The Best Chirstmas Pageant Ever.
If you have not read or listened (Elaine Stritch version) to The Best Christmas Pageant Ever....
this is the year...
Get the little book. It's barely 100 pages.
Get the audio tape. Your whole family will love it.
I promise.
So does Lynn. She promises that you will love it too.
We are The Best Christmas Pageant Ever Cheerleaders.
Now that is a job I can do!!!
"HEY! Unto you is born a child!"
I am thankful, tho, for bright children who are flexible and brave and smart.
They did a great job!
What will you do this weekend?
I'm getting my hair done. Haven't been to the beautician since the week before Matthew and Melinda's wedding in June!
It's about time :o)
What else....I think we will go to Enchanted tomorrow afternoon.
And I will give the calendar on more try. I have tried uploading the 13 images twice totaling five hours of no avail.
For some reason, I am not able to upload at lulu's site with this computer.
I tried switching to Firefox to no avail. So I will give it one more try today....and if it doesn't work....
I think I am out of luck...and time.
Cross your fingers :o)
December Blessings :o)
Encourage one another,
p.s. How about a December haiku?
Any of you?
Oh man....I am going to have fun with my camera this winter....
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