Yesterday, I drove to Appleton Wi. to pick up Emma. Appleton is two hours away.
I asked Katie if she would like to come along or if she would like to stay home with her big brother.
"Well. It's a long drive.
And I get sleepy in the car.
And I don't like to get sleepy during the day.
So I would like to stay home.
Is that okay?"
"Yes, that's fine. I'll wake Matthew and tell him you are staying home."
So, I open Matthew's bedroom door ( it is 9:00am and he is still sleeping) to tell him that I am leaving...I leave the door ajar, and assume that he will get up in fifteen minutes or so.
I kiss Katie goodbye and tell her to chew her bagel well...and if she starts to choke to go to Matthew. I leave ten minutes late and forget the phone.
For two hours I drive and worry that Katie has choked.
When I get to the Mall (meeting place) I ask Emma to borrow her phone so I can call home, but she just has called and spoken to both Matthew and Katie.
Phew. All's well.
After a great visit with Cindy, (my friend who has hosted Emma for the last five days and has driven her to Appleton) Emma and I head home.
We arrive home at 3:30. Katie and Matthew have just returned from the West Towne Mall where the two of them had lunch and did a little Christmas shopping.
Katie tells me that she was lonely for me and that she cried on the couch.
"Why did you cry Katie? Hey Matthew! What time time did you get up?"
"Eleven" he mumbles.
Poor dear! Rattling around in the house all by her lonesome :o(
Next time, I will be specific.
Katie is not really any worse for the wear...I mean she was rewarded with fries and a strawberry Julius at the mall from her big brother...
But the thought of rattling...well...just makes me sad.
And very grateful that nothing awful happened.
Like choking!
Encourage one another,
Mother of the Year
This is the international sign for choking. Just so you know!
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