Thursday, June 19, 2008

Just this morning I visited Michal's website AllyJoserudition
and she is playing along with Rocks in my Dryer and showing what Works for Her. Michal has a collection of vintage table cloths and in order to save them from spots and too frequent washings she places a clear shower curtain liner over the tablecloth.

The is an extremely practical and excellent solution for her problem.

And it made me think of our mother.

Get ready. I am going to tell you a secret.

I grew up with plastic on the couches.
Actual plastic upholstered covers with zippers.

White couches with plastic.

But seriously, do you know what would happen to those couches in one day with seven little children in the house.

I really do admire that practicality and common sense.

Our mom had a ton of common sense.

And when I think of the furniture in our house....
lots of it was hand me downs
and if it wasn't covered in plastic,
it was made of plastic.

Our father had a black leather chair. It was the only real leather in the house.
In the den, along with the black leather chair was a fake leather love seat.
There was also a glass topped coffee table. Our dad picked this out and I remember our mom saying it was
impractical and unsafe.

In the family room we had more fake leather furniture.
It was a dull avocado green.

We had orange curtains in that room.


Practical but not necessarily pretty.

And actually, I think I may have left the plastic on lampshades in my day.

In fact, I can remember debating whether one was suppose to take the plastic off or not.

I've started taking them off, but golly, those lampshades get dusty!

And speaking of removing things,
all of the tags were definitely still attached to all pillows and mattresses.



with texture

I just love clear crisp colorful closeups. It's my thing.

But I also love the new, highly processed look too.

The picture of Katie was very dull and boring in color but it was in focus and you know I can't resist the
blowing hairs. So I went to work and applied four different actions on this picture.

And I kind of like it.

And really now, WHERE did she get those eyelashes?

And Sophia's eyes. Oh my goodness. They are so gorgeous. I did nothing to those eyes!
Real, natural beauty.



Wishing you a day of delight and very few spills!

Encourage one another,

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