Melinda entered Asher in a Gerber baby contest. Her dream is to win him some college money.
He is the cutest baby...we think...
So with only 100 of you voting today...Asher could come up big.
Then tomorrow another 100 can vote. You can vote every day. Lucky You.
If you would like to vote for Asher....
Go to the following link and vote for Asher Max. Both names please.
Gerber Baby Asher Max
Emma was so cute too. I wish I could hold her on my hip.
Look at how she is holding that corn.
Can you believe she had curls?
What a precious girlie.
On the way home from Columbia, Missouri, we travel thru Iowa on 151. Twenty minutes before we got to Dubuque Katie spotted an eagle flying very low. We all looked and we were amazed and thrilled with what we saw:
A large group of eagles eating something in the corn field. (a convocation of eagles)
Patrick made a quick u-turn and we got out of the car to watch them.
What a wonderful, glorious thing to see. In the middle of Iowa.
(As you can tell, I had my 50 mm lens on my camera and that was NOT good enough for this distance. Emma's point and shoot actually did better than my camera. I will ask her to send a picture so I can put it up for you to see.)
There is an eagle in me that wants to soar, and there is a hippopotamus in me that wants to wallow in the mud.
~ Carl Sandburg
Encourage one another,
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