It all started when I was in the hospital with my ruptured appendix in 1989.
Emma was a wee thing, only one month old.
The boys and Emma were all being taken care of by church friends and my sister Nancy.
I was in the hospital on the morphine pump; sick, lonely and stunned.
Regis was my ray of light.
It all started in the hospital those horrible days so long ago...
and I have never strayed.
They really do crack me up and I couldn't keep this little exchange to myself.
Isn't everything better when shared?
~ There is no delight in owning anything unshared. ~
Katie spotted a heart shaped spill of chocolate on the kitchen table.
She felt it was important to share it with me so she pinned it on my bulletin board.
We are so much alike. The sweet ways....and the not so great ways.
This is not good when it comes to her school work. What she doesn't get. I often don't get.
We have to get Patrick involved.
If he is not around, I tell her to tell her teacher, it is too hard for her mother.
I am not proud. it's a dumb book.
One more thing to share...
This is my favorite song to listen to in the car!
My car dancing cracks Katie up!
Raise your glass by Pink.
(I have been informed that there is swearing in this song.
Ask my kids... I don't ever hear the swear words in songs.
I usually cant understand the lyrics.
Good for me. Not good for you.)
Love ya,
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