Lots of folks are knitting socks...so last night I ran to our friendly local yarn shoppe to buy yarn and needles to make a pair for myself. This I should be able to do without a problem. I have been knitting for 35 years....but I have never knit with such tiny little double pointed needles. My family looked on with pity as I tried to knit with these little sticks. "Those look like chopsticks." said dear hubby. "They are not as big as chopsticks," thought I.
So I will suck it up...work up my courage...get these nimble fingers going and press on.
I think I can...I think I can....I think I can
I will also be reading this article a little bit later today. It looks helpful.
Techniques with Theresa at Knitty.com
A few gems from Carmon's at Buried Treasure
In discussing Jane Austen and Prairie Muffins, Carmon comes to this conclusion.
"Prairie Muffins need to be that "still point in a turning world," and show the turning world that the stability we offer with our quiet and faithful obedience to God is the lasting solution to the turmoil around us. We can also be inspired and encouraged by Jane Austen's lasting influence on the world, though she didn't venture far from home or draw attention to herself. May we have the wisdom to use our creativity to God's glory in the wide spaces He gives us to dwell."
I like how she said that! Click on Buried Treasure if you'd like to read more about it.
Carmon also spoke a book called The Decline and Fall of practically Everybody by Will Cuppy a week or so ago. I was able to pick it up yesterday at the library and it is quite an amusing history book.
This is what Cuppy says about Elizabeth I;
"Queen Elizabeth was the daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. She resembled her father in some respects, although she beheaded no husbands. As she had no husbands, she was compelled to behead outsiders."
And about the Huns,
"Huns were horrid-looking creatures. They flattened their noses with boards and bandages and scarred their faces in youth so that they wouldn't have to shave. In the time saved from shaving they could be flattening their noses. Sometimes male and femal Huns would fall in love and get married, and everybody wondered what they saw in each other."
If you like this type of humor...this is the history book for you!
I loved the Mel Gibson interview last night with Diane Sawyer. Didn't love Diane and her snotty way of questioning...but I loved Mel's answers!
And now for something completely different....
Why is it when someone else prepares the food....it always tastes a little better? When we were kids we would make sandwiches for each other (Sister Sue and I) because we thought this to be true :o)
Yesterday I had lunch with a friend...she made a simple salad. It was delish!
Encourage one another,
I think I can....I think I can....I think I can....
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