14 Do everything without complaining or arguing, 15 so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe ...
Phil 2:14
One of my News Years resolutions was to stop complaining. Making this a priority has been such a positive effort for me. It seems when I stop talking and thinking about my woes...the good comes floating up to the surface.
When those negative thoughts come to mind, I am more quickly able to Cast them Upon God, where they belong anyway, and proceed with a calm and thankful heart.
Trusting God, I think, must come first though.. Because if I do not believe that God has my best interest at heart and that He loves me, I can not truly Caste my Cares. Where would I be casting them...out into the big empty blue....
"O Lord, whose way is perfect, help us, we pray, always to trust in Your goodness, that walking with You and following You in all simplicity, we may possess quiet and contented minds and may cast all our care on You, who cares for us."
-Christina Rossetti
Have you ever heard that Fear is the opposite of Trust? Or Fear is the absence of Trust...
Don't know where I heard it...probably Elisabeth Elliot :o)
The Cutest Things
Who knew you could knit and felt darling little stuffed animals?
I just want to buy them!
Who wants to be a Super Millionaire
I would have won $500,000 last night. IF I had won the fastest finger contest, which I didn't. And IF I were at the show, which I wasn't. :o) Ah, one can only dream....
I like the two new lifelines...I like to play this game...I like to win big in the comfort of our family room :o)
Four more nights this week and then they will do it again some other time. Smart move! I hope it does well. Regis is such a good guy :o)
Well....I came up with a blog afterall...can you imagine I didn't think I had anything to talk about*wink*
Encourage one another,
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