I'd like to condense and share a list I found in Phillip Keller's little book A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23.
"Jesus never made light of the cost involved in following Him. In fact He made it painfully clear that it was a rugged life of rigid self-denial. It entailed a whole new set of attitudes. It was not the natural, normal way a person would ordinarily live and this is what made the price so prohibitive to most people."
1. Instead of loving myself most I am willing to love Christ best and others more than myself.
2. Instead of being one of the crowd I am willing to be singled out, set apart from the gang.
3. Instead of insisting on my rights I am willing to forego them in favor of others.
4. Instead of being "boss" I am willing to be at the bottom of the heap.
5. Instead of finding fault with life and always asking "Why?" I am willing to accept every circumstance of life in an attitude of gratitude.
6. Instead of exercising and asserting my will, I learn to cooperate with His wishes and comply with His will.
7. Instead of choosing my own way I am willing to choose to follow in Christ's way:simply to do what He asks me to do.
"God wants us all to move on with Him. He wants us to walk with Him. He wants it not only for our welfare but for the benefit of others as well as His own dear reputation."
I think God is using being a wife and mother to teach me 'fresh attitude #2 and #3. Suffering has taught and continues to teach me #5,#6,and #7. Numbers one and four continue to challenge me the most.
As a parent, I am very aware of molding my children's character. But I am now even more aware that it is my character that is in need of molding.
Motherhood is my potter's wheel.
I wish I would have been in better shape (lump of clay-wise) when I started mothering/wife-ing.
I, however am being taught with life's experiences....and that is probably true for most of us.
Hopefully, I can do a little teaching and molding of my children's characters at home, before they get out
there in the big world and have to learn this the 'hard' way.
Encourage one another...we need it :o)
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