Name a smell you like to smell.
What is your favorite kind of cheese?
Who mows the lawn at your house?
Main Course
Are you looking forward to any of the summer movies?
Fill in the blank: At a graduation party...will you eat a piece of cake?
Fine Art Friday
Jeunes filles au piano by Renoir
Oh, how I love an Art Museum;
Were we have the privilege of mingling with beauty and history.
It gives me chills.
(By the way, the colors in my photos are so much nicer than any reproductions I see on line for sale. Go figure.)
Each parental unit has two minutes to speak about their graduate at the graduation next Saturday as we hand them their diploma.
You do not have to speak at all if you do not want to.
I am trying to think of something short and memorable.
Any ideas?
Encourage one another,
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