I am putting together a photo album for Emma.
Included are photos of her school days.
I have done this for each of the boys.
They are very special.
Believe it or not, I am not very crafty at this type of thing...so I slap some papers and stickers on a page, the best I can, choose the best photo I can find and then write a little ditty along side it.
But the reason I bring this up, this morning, is that I am sad that my children are grown. Looking back at all of the photos is so sweet and fun...and it breaks my heart a little bit.
I don't have regrets and I guess that is a bigger blessing than I'll ever be able to fully comprehend, but, oh those little children...I loved having them and caring for them and laughing with them and just glancing at their adorable little faces.
And the boys are far away...and it seems like forever ago that they were home with us...
I want to go back. I want to time travel. I want to stop crying.
I was created to love these children.
I know it.
And part of that loving is letting them go on to their own lives;
Their own loves, their own faith, their own families.
So I can't say I don't love what is to come, I look forward to and am curious and excited to see what happens next.
But in those moments, when I look back, at our happy little family that once was,
I get a little weepy.
And I thank God that He knew I wouldn't be ready for the empty nest at 49.
And that he decided to bless us with our Katie Gracie.
I don't know what's in it for her :o)
But for me, she is a great gift.
Cause I have no interest in going out and making my dreams come true in the big world outside the home.
My dreams have come true, right here.
In our little home.
With our little family.
The sweetest picture of all time.
And the last time Matthew was sweet to Emma.
I need to get busy and stop wallowing.
All this to say.
Treasure your time together.
Drink in the moments.....in big gulps!!!
Congratulations to Apolo.
Hope to see you around, Joey.
Maybe Joey can be a Doc on Grey's Anatomy and be the ray of light we are all looking for on that show. McHopeful or McFunny.
Does anyone think that Blake has a chance to win?
It just seems so clear to me that Jordin will win.
She's a doll.
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