Painting on the wall at the Vatican Museum.
This painting looks best large.
So, click on it :o)
Isn't she just the most beautifully dressed angel?
She's not going with the crowd and wearing white and gold and sliver.
Besides loving the fabric and colors of her garb, I like her foot.
And that man with the shovel...doesn't he have a flirty pose?
Oh. And for your daily Latin quiz.
What is written on the mural?
The Friday Feast is not posted I will pose to you the questions asked by James Lipton each week on "Inside the Actors Studio".
What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What turns you on [creatively, spiritually or emotionally]?
What turns you off?
What is your favorite curse word?
What sound or noise do you love?
What sound or noise do you hate?
What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
What profession would you not like to do?
If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
What did you all think of Grey's Anatomy last night?
Did anyone watch Survivor?
(This is the show I watch that I don't tell you guys about...but such clever doings last night have prompted me to come out of the Survivor closet. Anyone?)
I forgot to share that in the high school Flame concert tonight...
Emma has a solo!
Her first solo.
So we have a extra special reason to look forward to the concert.
Flame has been a wonderful group for Emma to be involved with and we are grateful for the hard work it takes to run a homeschool co-op such as this.
I know a few of the hardworking servants visit this blog...
so to you gals....
*big smooch*... a hearty thank you....and God bless you!
Well...that's about all for now.
Get to work and I'll see you in the comments :o)
Encourage one another,
Saw this beautiful painting today - any idea who painted it?