I thought I would give you the one year update on my weight loss.
I'm pretty sure my total, total loss was 30 lbs.
The initial two months saw the greatest weight loss.
Even tho I stayed with 'the program' the weight loss slowed.
But it did work for me.
Hence the 30 lbs lost by August.
But as my hair started falling out in large amounts.
I started worrying that the diet was causing this.
And I was tired of the strict diet, to be honest.
So, I counted points, did a little South Beach, ate a little more balanced and kept the weight off.
I gained and lost the same five pounds for the rest of the year.
So, in total on my FF anniversary.
I have lost 25 lbs. this year.
That is good. I'm am glad for that.
I don't feel badly about myself for not doing better...
I could, but I'm pretty gracious with myself ;o)
Remember how I gave up caffeine/Diet Dr. Pepper?
Well, I confess that I started drinking it again last winter.
And to be honest, the quality of life with caffeine is much better than without.
(Oh, I know Janice is going to yell at me.
But my fingers are in my ears. (But, I know you love me. And I love you for caring)
I like the pep and the ability to stay up until midnight.
I hated being so sleepy by ten o'clock.
And all that water really cramped my sleeping style.
I was waking two to three times a night to tinkle.
What is more important to my health (mental and otherwise)?
Hydration or uninterrupted sleep.
I choose sleep.
It's a good thing.
For me.
And so is a little gardening...and working up a sweat.
Along with the pink pail, I planted the white iris and two tomato plants.
The pink rose didn't make it thru the Wisconsin winter.
I am sad to report. It reminded me of my mother.
Katie and I weeded a little, watered a little and got dirt under our fingernails.
I like the idea of planting a sunflower for her.
She would like that :o)
And I will now dream of my most favorite food in the whole wide world.
Fresh tomatoes.
Hope you voted last night for your favorite dancer.
And I hope that was Joey.
I never worry about diets. The only carrots that interest me are the number you get in a diamond. ~Mae West
I've been on a constant diet for the last two decades. I've lost a total of 789 pounds. By all accounts, I should be hanging from a charm bracelet. ~Erma Bombeck
My wife is a light eater. As soon as it's light, she starts to eat. ~Henny Youngman
Encourage one another,
And thanks for picking up the slack in the comments yesterday :o)
That was fun.
p.s. When I started eating a more traditional diet. My hair did indeed stop falling out. Imagine that?
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