and even if you don't know Ree...
Today is the day to go and see what she's doin' over at her blog.
She is giving away her beloved camera.
A Nikon D70.
Why, you ask?
Cause she is generous to a fault.
And it is her 1st anniversary of blogging.
And her blog, in one year, has soared to meteoric acclaim.
Well deserved acclaim.
(She averages 5000 visits a day! And she just opened a showing of her Pioneer Woman photography at a fancy gallery!)
Today she has a contest.
Name that photo contest. These are very popular events at her blog.
With great prizes!
And they are extremely competitive!
If you pick a name that makes her 'hiney tingle' and forget to pick her toes....
You will win her Nikon D70.
I predict she will have 2500 entries.
Go over and see what all the fuss is about....
And win yourself the camera of your dreams!!!
Confessions of a Pioneer Woman
So I'm trying to take Emma's senior picture by myself.
Here is my best photo so far.
I could use a little photoshop help...
But I think I can make this work.
What do you think?
No really. I don't want to know.
It's been hard enough to get one this good :o)
Just tell me you love it.
I'm going to post this real early...
Cause I have an appointment to have moles removed this morning.
Nothing serious.
Just yucky tag type moles.
So that's what I'm doing as you are drinking your coffee and reading blogs and trying to win a camera....
It's okay if you don't think of me.
I hope I don't have any stories to tell about it,
if that's alright with you.
Encourage one another,
One more thing.
How about that header?
I learned to change it here.
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