Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Whirling Dervish

Did you know a Whirling Dervish is a real thing....a real person?

In Turkey there is a religious ceremony where a person called a Dervish, whirls.
For a long time....

It's one of those words you have heard your whole life and never thought about.

Did you know Holy Rollers are a real church?

My mother-in-law told me that there was a church of Holy Rollers in Marinette, Wisconsin many years ago. I thought she meant that the church had very religious members. But no, they actually rolled on the floor.

Did the Shakers shake?

Don't you love word orgins?

And don't you love the Amazing Race even more???
It is television at it's finest.

So long to Meredith and Gretchen!

Gretchen said that they 'won a million dollars worth of memories.'
A nice way to exit.

And how cute was Amber last night with her Sherlock Holmes hat and pipe as she walked down Baker's Street?

Next week is the finale....I can't wait!

I will be waiting for Tuesday...just like Katie!


It is starting to warm up around here again....
I'm looking forward to a little sunshine on my face :o)


Still haven't heard from Matthew. I'm sure he is back at college, don't you think?

Encourage one another,

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