Thursday, August 14, 2008

This pup is an old soul.
She is five months old and is the calmest most loving little girl.
Her name is Gretta and she is a new addition to Nancy's family. (Nancy from the comments)


I think I will add All Natural Light Pet Photographer to my list....

Here are the girls.

Hi! Girls!

They like to see their photos on the blog :o)

You. Look. Marvelous.


Amy J and her girls.

This is Amy's Mother of the Year pose :o)


There we go.....not as funny but pretty darn cute.

This youngin' wasn't with us yesterday but he was one of my model/helpers on Tuesday.

I just love it when I get one of these stares.

It's a relaxed, looking-straight-thru the lens, kind of stare.


I could probably even crop that closer...he has such a beautiful (don't tell him I said that) face.


Project Runway


I liked this week's normal challenge.

I wish they had sent the tanning bed dude home. I think they kept him for the sake of ratings and interest.

I am just not into all the drama and love the fashion.....

but I'm afraid I am in the minority there.

Isn't the drama what makes these reality shows tick? (or is it tic?)



Sometimes I get this stare too.

Um. My friend Courtney calls this picture,

"Little Miss.... Annoyed"


I've got photos on the brain today.
I have a photoshoot at 9:30 today and a Senior session on Saturday.

Did I ever tell you about the time I was signing up with one of the printers that I deal with and they had me fill out a questionnaire? They had little boxes to check to say what type of photography you specialized in.

As I looked over the choices I saw the word seniors and I thought how odd that there was a special category for photographing elderly people.

And I thought. Well. I'd like to take pictures of grandmaw and pepaw. So I checked it. :o)

And now you know what you are really dealing with here :o)

Encourage one another,

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